Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dixie's 50!

 Well, it came - the birthday I have dreaded for the past 9 years! It's kind of funny; I really looked forward to being a grandmother, but simply couldn't comprehend that I could be 50 years old! Someone 50 years old is simply on the "downward side of the slippery slope" I always thought. Aren't 50 year old's expected to be more mature, settled, sure of themselves and simply more boring than I want to think I am?

Thanks to our cruising friends who have shown me that age is completely relative! Here's to Larry and Sharon, Don and Diane, and Dick and Liz who have inspired me and shown me that age is only what you make of it. My new goal is to celebrate my 80th on the water!!

Mr. Wonderful managed to pull off a suprise birthday party for me here in Stuart, even when up until the day before we planned to be on a beach in the Bahamas. I had a wonderful birthday luncheon and brought home the most gianormous birthday balloon bouquet I have ever seen (still floating around in the boat) - and lovely pink and white carnations!     

Yes, I am now half a century . . .    I don't feel any different, and I sure don't act any different.!   Now its just time to "own it"      Dixie is 50!!  
Dosn't sound so bad after all. 

Thanks  to my boys for their  renditions of Happy Birthday, 
and  all my wonderful family and friends
for your calls and songs and wishes.    
For those of you dreading turning 50 - don't;  it's GREAT!
50 yr old Grandma's get to use the Rockers!