Monday, October 24, 2011

Richelieu river and chambly canal

We were excited to get to Montreal but the locks took so long to get through that it was almost dark so we got to the outskirts and tied up to a closed marina.

In the morning we headed to Sorel past Montreal and into the Richelieu river. So many people had told us this was there favorite part of this whole trip and we could see why - It was truly beautiful even though it was cold and the leaves were dropping almost as fast as we were moving.

Dixie had misread the lock openings and about halfway into our leisurely day realized if we didn't arrive to the first lock at St. Ors by noon that we couldn't go through the Chambly canal for 2 more days. So captain jack sped up and Dixie called and convinced the lock master to stay open an extra 15 minutes and we made it. We got to Chambly and had a wonderful afternoon and evening with one of the best meals of our trip. Bright and early we entered into the first Chambly lock and four hours later we were through all nine of them. We coudnt stop on the way and tie up to the picturesque town docks and walk around because we were the only boat going through and the six people it took to run each lock had to physically walk between each lock and open them as we went. During the summer they had a full staff at each lock and would have more than 150 boats each day. We really appreciated how friendly and accommodating they all were, especially since we were the only boat through that day. We would like to go back and explore more because it is truly lovely.

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