Thursday, October 16, 2014

Dixie and a friend arrived on Tuesday Round noon to pick up our ripped sail so we all joined the trip to Rockland Maine where the sailmaker was located.  We arrived at 2:00 PM and he said he would have the sail repaired by 5:00.  We toured the town, picked up the sail at 5:00 and were on our way to a very special restaurant to celebrate John and Dixie's anniversary.  The restaurant we went to called (I'll get the name later) is supposed to be one of the ten best in North America?  After a wonderful meal we headed back to Bar Harbor for the night.

The next day we headed off to Southwestern Harbor which was going to be  an easy sail of 30 miles in light winds but turned out to be motoring straight into 25 knot winds and huge waves.  The biggest problem was trying to dodge the lobster pot buoys while the sun reflected off the water amid huge waves.  We finally arrived in the setting sun.  We vowed never to arrive anywhere so late again....somehow the next day we forgot our lesson.  Something to do with sleeping late in the morning!!

Now we are at Thursday and we leave late but it will be a nice sail, decent winds and sunshine.  True, for the first two hours until the winds blew up to over twenty knots and the waves were at least eight feet and we were going directly into them.  We took many, many waves over the front of the boat washing back to the cockpit.  Every time we hit one of these huge waves it would stall us so progress was slow.  Since we realized we would not make our intended destination we found an inlet that would partially protect us.  I keep forgetting to add that in these huge waves we still needed to maneuver around all the lobster pots.

Our little inlet also had lobster pots and wind so we anchored in the back end but had to keep watch in case the anchor let loose so chalk it up to another 4 hour watch night.  It's amazing how a glass of Rum makes you forget all the problems!!!!

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