Saturday, January 31, 2015


We were SO excited to get to Cumberland Island, Georgia!

One of our all-time favourite places!  Cumberland Island is an amazing barrier island with great beaches on one side and a live-oak forest on the other.  There is nothing commercial on the island, but it was once the home of the Carnegies, and quite the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

The island was given away in trust to create this amazing park and  all that remains of the Carnegie Family Homes and their lifestyle are some crumbling mansions.

Cumberland Island is not your typical place.  It can be reached only by private boat or ferry.               There is a campground that is booked up over a year in advance but the only services are toilets and cold water showers.  There is a maximum of 300 people allowed at a time on the island (It is 20 miles long and up to 5 miles wide)   People bring in their food, firewood and pack their garbage back with them.   If you arrive by private boat you anchor for free and pay $4 per person for 7 days on the island.  One of the best bargains  you will ever find! 

Annie and Schooner loved getting off the boat for an entire day,   I walked over 7 miles through the trees, as John practiced his TARZAN moves with Annie all tucked in.  

We found some wild oranges,   a few Armadillos who posed for us and  got pretty close to some wild horses.

This is my first look at a wild Armadillo.  Schooner was great at hearing them and alerting us  to their presence. I was so excited - I ran up to take a photo and then realized it looked like a giant RAT  with armour plating.  - If you know me and rats,  you will imagine how excited I was about that!

I was much more thrilled to come upon some of Cumberland Island's  famous Wild Horses.  
Wasn't it awesome of them to pose  for me! 

John was  pretty happy to find this tree of oranges.  We sat down to have a juicy snack by the ruins but found the oranges as sour as lemons!  


We took the dogs back to the boat and headed a couple miles across the island to the beach for some beach combing.  It was pretty cold and windy,  but incredible to have miles of pristine beach all to ourselves. 


John found this perfect Sand Dollar and tons of  Horseshoe Crab Skeletons. 

                             IT JUST DOSN'T GET ANY BETTER 

                        THAN A DAY ON CUMBERLAND ISLAND!

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