Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Dismal Swamp . . . and Amazing Friends we FInd Along the Way

 One of the most wonderful things about travelling by boat, is the opportunities you have to meet and get to know new people. You simply have to hear how we met Lyndell Palimoie, and our experiences with her in the Dismal Swamp.

We left Norfolk, knowing we could only get about 12 miles down the ICW, because we had 12 bridges and a lock to get through and because there was a pretty bad storm ahead the boat traffic was all backed up.  So we got to the great bridge lock and  were told that  all the spots along the side of the docks after the locks were taken and  the last bridge was closed due to high winds.  Since we didn't want to turn around and go back to Norfolk, the Lock operator allowed us to  tie up along side at the end, but told us we would have to tie to a tree becuase there was nothing else to tie to.   Quite relieved that we got the last possible spot,  John  went out to secure the boat to the trees.    As he did so,  a delightful lady came up to talk to him,  and  asked him if he remembered her from the night before.  John assured her that we had not met her,  but  to make a long story short -  another Canadian Couple in the exact same PDQ 34 boat  had met her the day before where she worked as a museum docent.  The Candian couple had told her they were going to try and tie up  at the great bridge lock so she had drived down to say hello and offer  to drive them around. 

Even though we were the wrong couple,  she gamely offered to  drive us to the Target  we were trying to figure out how to get to.  On our way,  she decided that it was a shame we weren't going to see the dismal swamp, so she waited for us to do our shopping and then  spent about 3 hours driving us all around and showing us the area where her family had lived for generations. Then she took us 20 miles or so to the dismal swamp visitors center and showed us an absolutely wonderful day.  
We  had such a great time,  and  this is exactly the reason we enjoy our boating adventures so much.   There are so many  wonderful people  who go out of their way to be friendly and helpful.  We hope we never forget the things others have done for us,  and  are able to do the same things for others we meet along the way!

Thanks for being such a wonderful example of how to live and treat others, Lyndell!

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