Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Norfolk, Virginia

After going through the provinces of Ontario, and Montreal,  into and through the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland we were officially in the south When we arrived in Virginia!

We met some other boaters heading south and swapped stories and enjoyed the commaderie of fellow sailors surrounding us.

A storm was approaching that was supposed to bring 45 knot winds, so all the boats were coming in and hunkering down. 

We got a nice protected spot and decided to stay over 2 nights until the bad weather passed.  Lucky for Dixie  we were walking distance to a "real mall"  with a Nordstoms and everything!  Dixie Went Shopping,  Brian went to the Museum and John rested up before meeting up with Dixie at the Mall.

We met some other boaters heading south and swapped stories and enjoyed the commaderie of fellow sailors surrounding us.

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