Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Waiting . . . Waiting . . .Waiting. . . in Stuart for a Weather Window

Well, we hadn't anticpated being in Stuart, Florida  for more than a few days,  and especially not more than 10 days waiting for good weather to head to the Bahamas, but it looks like what we will have.  Between us and the Bahamas, is  the Gulf Stream,  which flows basically North,  and  it is  not advisable to cross the gulf stream within 24 hours of any wind  coming from the North, because when the two meet,  results are    choppy and "confused"  seas.   The rule of thumb is to wait 24-48 hours after any North wind has laid down  and   while there is  light wind and  swell.   So far we have had too much wind and all in the wrong direction.  So . . . we wait!!  

However,  if one has to get stuck somewhere, Stuart is a great place to be "stuck"   In fact most other cruisers stay here for a few months.  Unfortunately we  have to leave the boat on December 21, and  were counting on actually getting to the Bahamas before we left! 

We are in a mooring field  within walking distance to Old Town Stuart with great little restaurants and shops, and are surrounded by about 100 other cruising boats.   We  can fish from our Dinghy,  zip around and see the sights and   enjoy getting to know  fellow  boaters.  And what wonderful people we have met!   The day we arrived,  Larry and Sharron  brought us back some THanksgiving dinner and then  Dixie got to go Black Friday Shopping at 6am with Sharron -thanks for the invite!

Shopping with Sharron, Diane and Liz
The fellow-PDQ'rs  have really taken us under their wings and  we would like to thank all the cruisers out there who have shared their transportation and tips with us.  We learned where the best Sunday $1.99  breakfast was,  where to go for a full rack of ribs on Monday nights for $11.99 (and you can split it);  where  there is wonderful live theatre;  all the best places to go and anchor in the Bahamas - and so much more!  There is always something going on here at Sunset Bay Marina and so we haven't had a minute to be bored.

We have met so many inspiring cruisers  who have made us realize that  we need to slow down and take it easy and enjoy ourselves!  When we see boaters in their 80's  still enjoying the live-aboard experience  we  realize we can still look forward to many years of  "ON THE WATER"!  

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